Archive for the ‘A New Look’ category

Everything Old . . .

January 29, 2008

is new again. Yes, I’ve changed the template . . . again. Never did really like that pale blue. I guess green is more my color. But this layout is the one I used when I first started blogging way back in the Dark Ages of 2004 with a long-defunct effort called “Falling Off a Blog.” It lasted for only a few entries before I got tired of it, moved on to other things, and later came back to blogging in the Spring of 2005 with IAS. Y’know, since this is more or less a Catholic blog, I could change the color scheme every few months to reflect the liturgical season: green for Ordinary Time, purple for Lent and Advent, red for Pentecost, white for feast days . . . Nah!

A New Look

October 20, 2007

I hope you like the new motif around here. I just felt it was time for a change. Welcome to the new and (we hope) improved It’s All Straw. All the same great taste with 50% fewer calories and 0 grams trans fat! And now leaves your breath minty fresh! 🙂